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Packing Materials for Moving House

Moving to a new house can be an exciting time, but it can also be a stressful experience if you don’t plan for it properly. To make the process easier, consider using a reliable moving and storage service and follow the steps listed below to get started with packing.

Before, during, and after the move, there are several steps you need to take into account to ensure a successful move. One essential factor to consider before you start packing is the materials you will need. While boxes and packing tape are crucial items to have, there are other things you may require as well.

By having all the necessary materials, you can make your move more manageable and less daunting. To make your move stress-free, we’ve put together this guide on packing supplies, including their cost, where to purchase them, and examples of how to use them.

Once we have covered the necessary materials, we will offer practical tips on what to pay attention to and how to choose a reliable removal company.

So, let’s get started, and you can begin the process of packing up your belongings and moving into your new home with ease!

1. Bubble Wrap

When it comes to protecting your delicate belongings during a move, bubble wrap is a reliable and widely used solution.

Bubble wrap is a unique type of packaging material consisting of sheets filled with small air pockets, carefully designed to safeguard your delicate items during transportation.

Wrapping fragile items like glass with bubble wrap is a common practice to prevent breakage while in transit.

In addition to being affordable, bubble wrap is incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of ways when relocating to a new location.

Using bubble wrap to wrap fragile items is an effective way to enhance the safety of your belongings during the moving process.


Also, keep in mind that bubble wrap is sold in different sized rolls which have different bubbles sizes for varying levels of protection.

The bubble sizes typically range from 1 to 2 cm in diameter.

How to use: One of the most popular ways to utilize bubble wrap is to wrap fragile or oddly shaped items in your boxes and secure them with tape for added protection.

When using bubble wrap, it’s important to position the air bubbles facing your items and the smooth side facing outward for optimal protection.

Here are the uses for the different bubble sizes:

  • Small bubble wrap – most commonly used while moving. It provides surface protection from scratches, dents and chips. This is very good to use on small items like glass figurines or other breakables.
  • Medium bubble wrap – used for surface protection but also helps with shock absorption. This can be used on larger, fragile items like mirrors.
  • Large bubble wrap – often used as a filler material inside moving boxes to keep items from shifting during transit.
2. Packing Tape

When it comes to packing tape, it’s important not to compromise on quality. While cheaper options may be tempting, investing in high-quality, heavy-duty tape is recommended.

Cheaper tape is often thinner and more prone to breaking, lacking the necessary sticking power. This can lead to disastrous consequences if a box becomes untaped during transit.

Stick to trusted brands and opt for extra-duty options to ensure everything remains securely in place throughout the move.

Consider purchasing packing tape in bulk to save costs in the long run, as you’ll likely need more than you initially anticipate.

Here’s how to use packing tape effectively: Tape all seams of the boxes and reinforce the bottom when packing heavier items. To simplify and expedite the process, using a tape dispenser can help you control the amount of tape used per box.

3. Cardboard Boxes

When it comes to your house move, sturdy moving boxes are essential for the safe transport of your belongings.

It’s important to gather a variety of different sizes of boxes and ensure they are in good condition.

Reserve smaller boxes for heavier items like books, while larger boxes are suitable for light-weight objects such as pillows or bedding.

While reusing moving boxes may seem cost-effective, it can pose a risk to your valuables if the boxes are unable to support the weight or lack structural integrity.

We highly recommend purchasing new boxes when you move to ensure the necessary strength and support for all your belongings.

Author’s Note: Some moving companies, like STORED, offer plastic boxes for rent. These are a more durable and environmentally friendly alternative to cardboard boxes, as they can be reused multiple times.

In addition to regular moving boxes, you might also consider specialty moving containers such as wardrobe boxes or dish boxes for specific items.

Just like bubble wrap, there are various types of sturdy moving boxes available. They come in different shapes, sizes, and materials, and their level of support can vary.

The most commonly used moving box is the single-walled variety, which is generally sturdy and can be further reinforced by taping the folds.

However, if you require even greater durability, double-walled boxes are available. These boxes provide the strength needed to securely hold heavy objects and protect your possessions during the move.

4. Packing Labels

Labeling your boxes with detailed information about their contents is essential for staying organized during your move. While you may think you’ll remember what’s inside each box, it’s easy to forget once you’re in your new home and searching for specific items.

Labeling your boxes will help you easily locate belongings when they are stacked in your home and streamline the unpacking process.

Alternatively, if you prefer an alternative to packing labels, having a collection of permanent marker pens can be just as effective for labeling boxes.

You can even establish a color-coded labeling system using different marker colors to designate which room each box belongs to.

Here’s how to label your boxes effectively: Whether you use pre-made packing labels from an office supply store, online sources, or labels included with the boxes, the process is straightforward. Simply write down the contents of each box and specify the room it should be placed in.

If you have multiple boxes and want to keep track of them easily, consider numbering them sequentially (e.g., 1/4, 2/4, and so on) to ensure everything is accounted for in your new home.

6. Furniture Covers

When transporting furniture, it’s highly recommended to use pads or covers to protect them from potential damage.

While most people remember to get a mattress cover, it’s also beneficial to purchase covers for couches and cloth chairs. Additionally, you can find pads specifically designed to cover dressers or wooden furniture, providing protection against gashes or scratches during the moving process.

Furniture covers are typically made from thin plastic material. To maximize their effectiveness, we suggest using them in combination with moving blankets, as mentioned in the previous tip.

Author’s Note: Although you may consider skipping these thin covers, they play a crucial role in preserving the warranty on your more expensive household items, such as mattresses.

If you’re seeking a thicker furniture cover that doesn’t require additional blankets, we recommend using FurniGuard. While it may be a bit more expensive, it offers durability, water resistance, and reusability, making it a worthwhile investment.

Here’s how to use furniture covers effectively: Simply slide the cover over your mattress, couch cushions, or other items and tape it closed to ensure it stays in place.

If you’re using moving blankets in conjunction with the furniture covers, place the blankets over the item first, and then slide the plastic cover around it for added protection.

7. Straps or Rope

Once you have wrapped up your large items, it’s crucial to secure them in the moving truck or van using cargo straps and/or rope. Unsecured items can shift during the move, leading to potential damage.

Ensure that your straps are strong and durable enough to keep heavy furniture securely in place without the risk of breaking.

Here’s how to use cargo straps effectively: Some straps come with levers that make tightening easy. If your straps have levers, secure them around the item and connect them to the side of the moving vehicle or another stable item. Then, operate the lever until the strap is securely tightened.

Exercise caution not to damage the furniture while tightening the strap.

If you are using rope or straps without a lever, you can secure them by tying knots after placing them around the furniture piece.

5. Moving Blankets

Moving blankets provided by removal companies are specialized and offer excellent protection during your move. These thick blankets, often made of soft cotton, are designed to safeguard even the most delicate items. They come in different sizes to accommodate various types of furniture, and they can also be used inside the moving truck.

However, if you have thick blankets of your own, they can be equally effective for protecting larger household items.

Author’s Note: If you decide to use your own blankets, remember to set them aside and keep them separate from other packed items to avoid accidental packing.

Using moving blankets is a great alternative to using shrink wrap, wrapping paper, or packing paper. They provide an additional layer of protection against potential damage.

Here’s how to use moving blankets effectively: Cover your possessions with the moving blankets to ensure they are well-protected during the move. You can even enhance the level of protection inside the moving truck by placing the blankets between valuable items, providing an extra cushioning layer.

8.Tool Set

It’s always handy to have a travel-sized toolset on moving day. You never know when you might need a hammer, scissors, screwdriver, or pliers when handling furniture. Being prepared for the unexpected is essential.

The moving process often involves assembly and disassembly, and having a toolset readily available can be quite useful.

Imagine trying to load a large piece of furniture only to find it stuck because it doesn’t fit through the front door. Having a toolset ensures you can address such situations promptly.

Make sure to either pack the toolset last or keep it as part of your essential kit that you have readily accessible, rather than packing it away.

Here’s how to use your toolset: The specific usage will depend on the type of furniture, the size of the space you’re moving from, and the size of your moving vehicle. One common use for a toolset during a move is to disassemble larger furniture pieces or disconnect appliances like washers and dryers.

9. Cleaning Supplies

Having cleaning supplies on hand during your move can be quite useful. While they may not directly assist with packing boxes, they come in handy when loading items into your moving truck or van.

During the packing process, you may want to wipe down your belongings, and it’s always a good idea to clean under and around furniture as you move it. This can be particularly important if you’re looking to get your housing deposit back.

You probably already have a broom, but make sure it’s readily available on moving day as well.

Another essential cleaning supply to have is trash bags. You’ll be surprised at how many you’ll need while moving, even if you’ve already decluttered your home beforehand.

Here’s how to use them: Before packing each item, give it a wipe-down. It’s easier to wrap items in packing plastic when they’re not covered in dust. Dusty items also don’t allow packing tape to stick well.

Use your broom to sweep out the moving vehicle and to clean up any debris on the floor. Even the smallest debris can potentially cause damage to your floors or furniture as you move them out of the house.

10. Trash Bin

While your inside trash bin is convenient for day-to-day use, it’s likely to fill up quickly while packing for a move. So, it’s worth considering renting a larger container from a trash removal company to make the process much smoother.

Not only will you save time by not having to make multiple trips to dispose of your trash, but you’ll also avoid the hassle of having to track down a city-provided trash bin at the last minute.

To make the most of your trash bins, use the inside bin for smaller items and trash while you’re packing, and use the larger bin to dispose of anything that won’t fit inside. Once you’ve finished packing and cleaning your home, you can even use the inside bin to store cleaning supplies and tools that you’ll need for your next home.

Don’t let the hassle of disposing of your trash during a move slow you down. Invest in a trash bin or two, and you’ll be glad you did!